Common air conditioner maintenance issues

It is hard to imagine how ubiquitous has become. With two-thirds of American households using air-conditioning, a staggering 6% of all energy goes towards our cooling needs. However, a lot of this cost is unnecessary, and you can bring down your energy bills with some basic maintenance. When your unit does not cool properly, you use more energy than you should. Here are some basic things to check:

Thermostat issues

One of the most common issues is with the thermostat. Often, the sensor loses connectivity to the unit or reads the wrong values. One simple way you can tell is if the unit cools properly when you set the temperature lower than normal.


Another common issue that causes the compressor to stop is a block in the drainage line. Check for water at the exit of the drainage conduit and if there is nothing then look for a block along the path. When the path is clear then call in a technician to check for what lead to the blockage.


Air that goes into the air conditioner passes through a filter to trap dust and dirt particles. Check your filter by removing the front cover of your indoor unit. The filter is either on the cover itself or on the unit. Wash and dry the filter and fit it back. One sign of clogged filter is insufficient air flow.

Article by Specialists in portable cooling for home and industrial air conditioning applications.

Should You Consider a Juvenile Boot Camp for Your Child?

If you are a parent of a troubled teen, you know the limitations of your words and actions. Your child will rebel at all costs, won’t listen to a word that you say, and will just cause problems to you and the public. Where should you turn to seek help?

Boot Camps Can Have Severe Mental Impacts

Juvenile boot camps are a controversial option that many parents automatically turn to due to the strict disciplinary regimen that these camps offer. Now, before you consider sending your child to a boot camp for teenagers, know that it could be a hit-or-miss when it comes to solving issues. It could potentially make problems worse in the long run.

It’s important as a parent to understand what a boot camp actually is before signing on the dotted line. Sure, it may seem like a great way to help a child turn his or her life around before heading to a life of crime, but it can also exacerbate one’s mental health and could have a severe detrimental impact on him or her on the future. This could be anything from anxiety issues to even PTSD.

Seek a Second Opinion before Commitment

Be sure that you consider all of your options before making your decision. Look into the program itself and inquire everything that you need to know about it – as well as looking into the other troubled teenagers programs out there as well. Take a look at some of the reviews about what parents have to say. Speak with a neutral party, a counselor, pastor, or another guardian that is involved in his or her life so you can get another opinion. Sometimes an impartial perspective could help make your decision.

Wood Creek Academy can help your teenager turn his life around with an accredited boarding school for troubled boys. Speak with them today for more information.

How to Create a Short List for Therapeutic Boarding Schools


Article written by Gear Up 4 Nature, a blog about nature and travel


In order to choose the right boarding school, it’s important to compare and contrast prior to commitment.

Choosing the right type of school out of the many programs for troubled youth is a tedious task. However, it’s also a worthwhile one. If you are debating what type of school you want to send your child to, this article will help you narrow down your list and ultimately cho

ose the right type of school that fits you and your child’s needs. Remember, it’s important to provide the right type of help for a child that’s facing behavioral issues. Care for them by providing them a safe and educational environment in which they will grow and be nurtured.

Whittling Down the List

This is one of the most tedious parts when it comes to time consumption. Why? Because you have to sit down with your child and talk about every school on the list that you are interested in. This is the reason why having your list on a spreadsheet can be extremely useful. As you work through the rundown, you can code the schools which will wind up on your short list. The shortened list should be in between 3-5 schools.

In order to effectively narrow down your list ask yourself questions such as: are you looking for a single sex or coed school? Do you want a religious school? What therapeutic boarding schools for troubled boys offers a flexible visitation schedule? Then, compare the answers to these questions to see what schools are still in the running. From then on, you can easily create your short list and ultimately decide what works best for you and your child.

Wood Creek Academy offers the finest therapeutic programs in regards to reform schools for boys. For more information on the curriculum, visit them online today!

How to Find Schools for Troubled Teens

Written by: Woodcreek Academy

Summary: Learn which qualities look for when you’re trying to find a school for your troubled teen.

The search to find boarding schools for troubled boys can lead one down a path with many options. You might consider a faith-based school that instills discipline through prayer, or opt for a more diligent discipline administered through punishment and reward systems. Boot camps are also popular. But, are any of these types of camps actually useful to your child? What camps equip them best for the long term?

Qualities to Look For

A school for troubled teens should have a solid support network, and should seek to get the parents involved. Parents should be allowed to visit the campus before hand, and school administrators should encourage parents to attend sessions (sometimes with the student).

The school should also focus on academics, which is a part of the overall discipline students should be exposed to. Troubled teens usually struggle to meet their peers at an academic level, so these schools should have an advanced and engaging curriculum to keep students motivated.

Never rely on what you see, either. Always seek out testimonials from other parents and students. Especially testimonials that describe long term effects of attending the school.

Wilderness Therapy

Therapeutic wilderness programs are a fairly new development in behavior modification schools. These programs bring kids out into the wilderness to test their survival skills, build self reliance and teach an appreciation of nature. These kids tend to come back feeling more confident, and ready to work and cooperate with others.

Wilderness therapy also offers a much-needed break from the trials of city living. Urban areas can get overwhelming at times, so nature is a good respite and a chance to recoup peacefully.

4 Ways Wilderness Therapy Benefits Troubled Youths

Written by: Woodcreek Academy

There are many ways to approach the challenge of dealing with troubled youths. Some of the more traditional methods, like religious and military schools, don’t work for every individual. These approaches are time tested, that’s true, but they fail to take into account other elements that motivate bad behavior.

Outdoor troubled youth programs build on the foundations these schools have already laid, but provide something extra. A sense of teamwork, a commitment to something greater in service of others, and a sense of self-confidence you can’t earn through rigid discipline.


Outdoor boarding schools for troubled boys tend to emphasize team work. Boys sleep in the same halls, with others, and are made to rise together each day. They eat together, learn together, and focus on getting to know each other. Outings group boys together, so that each individual must bring his skill set to the group and rely on others to fill in the blanks. The team work built during these exercises teaches young boys how to deal with people that hold viewpoints they don’t always agree with, an important skill to prep for life.

Survival Skills

Part of the source of troubled youths is a feeling of inadequacy that stems from being unable to stand up for oneself. At outdoor therapy programs, boys learn to start fires and set traps to hunt. They learn how to use tools instead of weapons, and focus on building things rather than destroying them. They also learn basic skills, like scouting for camp and setting up shelters. These skills build a sense of self-worth as boys begin to learn they can rely on themselves.


Boys are also trained on how to act around each other. Each individual in camp comes from his own circumstances, so working together teaches youths how to remain honest and treat each other with respect. In juvenile hall, these interactions are forced under threat of lock down. In the woods, boys speak openly with one another and learn about each other through shared experiences.


All of this amounts to self-confidence for troubled boys, which is one of the largest sources of trouble-making behavior. Self-confidence comes from the knowledge that you are capable of taking care of yourself, and that you are comfortable in your own skin. It’s not a skill that can be taught, it’s part of life that must be learned. Unlike the standard boot camp for teenagers, self confidence isn’t a question of pain and discipline. It’s a matter of soul searching and learning something about yourself and the world around you.

Related Story: How Boarding Schools Can Help Troubled Kids

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Three Reasons You Are Ready for Makeup School

Written by Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry

Are you thinking about going to makeup school? How do you know if you’re ready? Whether you’re changing careers or have recently graduated from high school, here are three signs that might indicate you’re ready to attend a school of makeup artistry.

You love everything about makeup. While it might seem obvious, many people pursue careers that they are not passionate about. But doing what you love is important. Passion is the drive you need to push yourself, pass your courses, and succeed in a competitive industry. If you’re passionate about makeup, makeup artistry school might be the right choice for you.

You’re ready to learn. Many students go off to college with the wrong mindset, one that isn’t set on learning. This is why so many people end up changing majors or even careers down the line, after they’ve realize they weren’t learning about a subject they were passionate about. But if you feel ready to absorb everything about the art of makeup, it might mean you’re ready to attend a professional school of makeup.

You bring something new to the table. While there are many people who love makeup, not all of them are creative enough to design their own looks or come out with a skincare line. If you’re creative and can bring new ideas to the beauty industry, becoming a professional makeup artist might be the best career choice for you.

Cosmix Inc. is one of the leading makeup schools in Florida. The school offers programs in fashion, beauty, and special FX makeup.

Mary Church Terrell, One of Suffrage’s Staunchest Proponents

By Phin Upham

Mary Church was the daughter of two former slaves, both of mixed race. Her father had earned his wealth buying real estate, which he’d been able to do thank to his father’s ownership of a steamboat. The young boy would work hard and his father let him keep the wages. By 1862, he owned his first property in Memphis.

When the yellow fever, sometimes called “yellow jack”, struck the city of Memphis, her father continued to invest and build wealth.

Mary benefitted from all this wealth with a fine education and a sense of civic pride. She began her career teaching at a black secondary school in Washington D.C. During her life as an educator, she had the privilege of meeting Frederick Douglas and Booker T. Washington. She was also director of the Tuskegee Institute, which was highly influential throughout Alabama.

It was Frederick Douglass who convinced her that she should pursue a career in the public eye. She became president of the National Association of Colored Women, and worked hard to establish nurseries and new day care centers in her neighborhood.

She later joined the National American Women’s Suffrage movement, where she brought a voice to African American women of the time period. Coupled with her career as a journalist, she was an accomplished activist with widespread ideas.

Terrell would see the fight for women’s suffrage through to the end, but blacks were quickly marginalized with laws that excluded them from voting. Especially in the South.

Although the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would correct some of these injustices, Terrell passed in 1954 at the age of 90.

Phin Upham is an investor from NYC and SF. You may contact Phin on his Phin Upham website or Facebook page.

Can Kids Develop Self Esteem Using Technology in the Classroom?

By Samuel Phineas Upham

Technology can be an important bridge between quiet, underachieving students and their more outgoing peers. We have only begun to learn how both teachers and students are finding new opportunities to educate one another. Opportunities on both sides have only been possible with the use of computers or technology in the classroom.

Motivation and self esteem go somewhat hand in hand. Kids who are motivated to succeed and complete their projects tend to have an easier time collaborating with others, but it may not be so cut and dry. The reality is that all kids specialize in certain areas; some kids are just more willing to step outside their comfort zone than others.

Computers also tend to give feedback in more immediate terms. For example, coding can be compiled and executed within the same day a project starts. This lets students see their progress for themselves, which is a major motivating factor. Often, students will choose to work on a project over leisure time.

Technology is also becoming more affordable, which increases the number of students who have access to computers. More schools in poorer parts of urban areas are able to equip students with learning tools, test student performance and look for areas to improve.

There is also the increased confidence that comes with mastering new technology, which schools constantly challenge both students and teachers to learn. When students learn new skills and demonstrate their abilities, it tends to raise their sense of self worth. The more technology investments we make in schools, the more importance students will place on their own work.

About the Author: Samuel Phineas Upham is an investor at a family office/ hedgefund, where he focuses on special situation illiquid investing. Before this position, Phin Upham was working at Morgan Stanley in the Media and Telecom group. You may contact Phin on his Samuel Phineas Upham website or Twitter.

The Advantages of Wilderness Therapeutic Programs

Wilderness programs are designed to help teenagers begin a new and positive direction in their lives.

Defiant teenagers require the proper care and support that they deserve to get back on track with their lives. With a vast amount of therapeutic programs out there that promote a balanced lifestyle, nothing emphasizes “healthy living” more than wilderness programs.

About Wilderness Programs

Therapeutic wilderness programs help teens deal with their social issues in a productive and cooperative manner. Much of their curriculum involves participating in activities that promote trust, connection, and positivity in an environment that embraces the outdoors.

Not Your Typical Boot Camp

Unlike a bootcamp for teenagers, wilderness programs focus on the underlying psychological problems through counseling and motivational therapy. Once identified, the troubled teen can then emerge as a strong individual with the help of experienced counselors.

The Power of the Outdoors

In order for teenagers to make the transition into a mentally healthy and strong adulthood, they need to be guided through life’s obstacles by a role model that promotes a triumphant way of life. And, by reducing resistance to authority and using the wilderness as a physical and emotional outlet, troubled teens will eventually conform rather than object.

Therapeutic programs need to take a less confrontational approach to their methods and actually focus on how their pessimistic mentality affects their behavior on a day-to-day basis. This is one of the many bright spots of wilderness programs as the physical activities that the teenagers go through tend to break down their defensive layers, making it easier for a counselor to reach out and offer a helping hand.


Wood Creek Academy offers a therapeutic program that’s dedicated to helping troubled teens and their families recover from the destructive effects of behavior-related problems. If you’re hesitant about a juvenile boot camp and the mental scars that it can leave on your child, you’ll feel content knowing that your child is in the hands of true role models.

A Brief History of Non-English Schools in America

By Phin Upham

From its inception, America was a land built on immigration. Those who came here wanted a place to practice their faith, culture and way of life freely. They came seeking a new opportunity for themselves and during the mid 1600s, the Dutch were among the first to sponsor religious elementary schools.

These schools emphasized both religious instruction and prayer, and they all had close ties to the Dutch Reformed Church. When the English stepped in, they converted some of these schools into private academies and let others fall to ruin.

This trend of starting religious institutions, however, spread throughout the American settlements. Germans in Pennsylvania and New York sponsored schools tied with their respective religious sects. This helped to preserve the German language in America, especially in cities such as Milwaukee and Saint Louis.

Native Americans also began their own institutions to preserve both their language and culture. The Cherokee nation created a 10-year preservation plan, with the aim of keeping their language and cultural values alive. Since beginning that ambitious goal, the nation has invested $3 million into its school systems, including language immersion programs that begin as early as the fifth grade. Everything is done within the Cherokee nation. The school system trains its own teachers, has developed its own curricula for teaching the language, and has devoted significant effort into creating a cultural resource for budding students.

While the national language of America is English, this tradition of non-English schools continues today. Japanese instruction occurs in New York, and Middle Eastern schools preserve those linguistic traditions in major cities all across America.

About the Author: Phin Upham is an investor at a family office/ hedgefund, where he focuses on special situation illiquid investing. Before this position, Phin Upham was working at Morgan Stanley in the Media and Telecom group. You may contact Phin on his Phin Upham website or LinkedIn page.

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