Earning a Full Work Experience Degree

Article written by Education Industry news, public, private and adult online education blog

Many people may have found in their inboxes recently an opportunity to “buy a degree” online, from some providers that may seem dubious at best with their intentions. While it is true that there are a number of people out there looking to capitalized on this trend (especially given the importance of university degrees in today’s job market) this does not necessarily mean that all opportunities such as this are scams or outright lies. In fact, a number of universities around the world are more than willing to offer qualified candidates a work experience degree in recognition of the knowledge they have obtained through life and on the job experience.

Designed to provide recognition for those who have worked hard to achieve results in life but have perhaps not had time for formal academic studies, experience degrees allow for formal recognition from accredited universities of abilities and knowledge earned over the years. These are granted after a formal review of your previous performance and a demonstration of your abilities and are, in fact, fully recognized degrees.

If you are looking to buy a university degree in recognition of your hard work up till now as always be mindful of who you are looking to conduct business with. While some websites such as www.speedydegrees.com look to offer qualified certifications from their partners others may be looking to simply capitalize on your desire to purchase a degree and may not have your best interest in mind. Before proceeding be sure to look into each offer thoroughly and find out which one is right for you.

Obtaining A Respected Life Experience Degree Can Help Get You Hired

A Life Experience Degree is a type of degree that is really gaining a lot of popularity around the world.  It is a respected degree in the working world that is based on your work and life experiences you have already gone through.  These types of degrees can help boost your credentials without having to go to class to re-learn what you already may have learned in the past.

When you have a quality degree on your resume it is going to immediately garner a lot of attention from a potential employer.  Anyone who knows anything about human resources knows that when employers look at resumes they start at the top.  Typically if they do not see any type of degree on there they will move on to the next person who will have a degree and be more qualified.  By having the degree you will be able to get to an interview.

Once you have landed the interview you can talk about your work and life experiences that helped you to obtain the degree.  This could go a long way to assisting you as you get to a potential job offer opportunity.

If you want to buy a university degree you are likely dreaming, but you can certainly earn a different kind of degree online from www.speedydegrees.com.  By obtaining and earning an Online Life Experience Degree you can set yourself up for a huge career boost and a major step forward.

How Much Does A Life Experience Degree Cost Online

When you think about trying to obtain one of these experience degree options that are available online, many people are often scared about the price.  When you think about what colleges and universities charge for you to go through their full degree programs, it is scary to think about how much a virtually instant degree could cost, just due to the overall ease that goes into obtaining it.


What may surprise you though is that one of these online degrees is actually very inexpensive compared to the overall tuition you will pay if you have to go through a full degree program.  Many credits at colleges can cost over $800 each, and if you need 120 credits or more to graduate, you can have a program that costs well over $50,000.  That does not take into account other expenses as well such as added student fees, books, school supplies, and more.  An online degree based on your life experience can be obtained far cheaper than you would ever think, as low as $249.


People always say they would love to get an instant degree that is based on the experience that you have obtained throughout your life in work, your personal life, as well as with your military background if you have any.  You can choose the buy degree online option at sites such as www.speedydegrees.com as they offer some great services that can help you get a diploma in the field that you qualify for and desire, fast.

Tips of parents returning to schools

Article Submitted by Education News Articles

If you are a parent, you are used to teaching your kids and helping them with school work, but are you prepared for the transition from being a parent to becoming a student?

Understand your motivation

– Think about your rationale for returning to school.  Are you developing additional skills for a career change?  Are you pursuing a degree that you always wanted, but never had the opportunity to?  Maybe you’re anticipating that an additional degree will give you a competitive advantage in the labor market.  Depending on what your source of motivation is will determine which type of school you should attend.

Manage your time

– Take ownership of your education, and set aside time everyday to study and review class notes. Piling up all your work until the very last minute will be counterproductive. Many classes require you to work collaboratively with other students on projects outside of the classroom. Create a schedule in way that allows you to focus both on your schoolwork and commitments as a parent.

Delegate responsibilities

– Since you will be pressed for time upon returning to school, you will need as much help as you can get from your children. Prepare them mentally and let them know that you won’t be available as much as you used to.  Let them know that you are counting on them to provide help around the house.  Lay out ground rules and expectations that you have of them.  If you have older children, they might be capable of taking care of a younger sibling.  For younger children, you can delegate simple tasks such as folding laundry or wiping down the table.  Realize that returning to school is a joint effort between both parent and child.

Be smart with your money

– Tuition, books, and other fees will be eating away at your hard earned savings.  Budget efficiently and consider different ways of saving money.  Consider buying used or older editions of textbooks that are needed for class.  The content is usually exactly the same (with the exception of the cover) and discounted at almost half the price of a newer edition.  When you’re packing lunch for your child, you can pack an extra one for yourself to bring to class.

Realize that school will feel completely different from what you remembered it to be.  Times have changed, students have changed, and so have the teaching methodologies.  Do not feel intimidated that people around you are younger.  Keep in mind that you are all there for the very same reason- to learn. You may feel out of place; but like any new environment, it will take time to adjust to.

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Horrible Software Glitches

Software was made to be imperfect. All software for all systems is meant to have glitches and bugs. For a software tester, it is his job to eliminate as many of these bugs as possible. However, there are so many issues to consider when designing software, it is impossible to locate all the glitches.

Software companies ask their engineers to conduct tests on their programs to discover any issues. Whether it’s a high-profile company such as Apple, or a small-time software company, each will ask testers and engineers to locate bugs in their software and hardware. For instance, engineers for a software company may perform load testing methods to understand why an operating system is running slow, while a usability engineer may study the users methods for operating a program. All electronic devices and systems that use software are bound to have glitches, and users are bound to discover these issues. Some glitches can be so severe they can have catastrophic consequences.

Zune Player Set to Crash on New Years

Microsoft created the Zune player to compete with the iPod. However, when the clock struck 12:01 on New Years day, Zune players started to malfunction. Zune players crashed, resulting in the lost of all music data, contact information and purchases. Microsoft apologized for the issue and released a firmware update to resolve the issue. However, the reputation of the Zune had taken a hit, and a P.R. nightmare ensued for Microsoft resulting in lost of millions of dollars and the trust of their customers.

The Start of World War III

During the Cold War, tensions between the United States and Russia had reached an all-time high. Americans tried to prevent communism from spreading, while Russia tried to spread it wherever possible. The two sides started an arms race, creating several installations with nuclear missiles ready to launch at a moments notice. During this time, Russia built a missile detection system to target any ballistic missiles fired from the United States. But when the Russian detection software falsely identified the firing of U.S. missiles, it almost launched the world into catastrophe.

Wall Street Crashes

Black Monday, also known as the day Wall Street crashed, ended up causing 500 million dollars in losses for companies. When investors started to trade, computer trading programs sold off thousands of stocks, overloading the system and leading to its eventual crash. In the coming hours, millions of dollars were lost and the after effects of the computer program lead to an SEC investigation that pointed the blame at investors committing insider trading.

While some glitches may seem minor, they can have catastrophic effects that can lead to deaths, loss in money and even a loss in trust from a company’s most trusted clients. Software engineers try to eliminate these issues by utilizing any sort of test, from mobile app testing to stress testing. However it is impossible to find all the glitches in a system before they reach the users hands. Sometimes it takes the user to locate these issues and almost start World War III to eliminate the glitch or issue.

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64 Best Online Colleges in the U.S.

Have you been browsing online schools and wondering how you’ll ever be able to process all the info you’ve found and (what a feat!) assess, entirely on your own, which are the best online colleges? Seems like it’d be a really hard review process, especially if you didn’t know which aspects to evaluate or compare. Where’s a professional evaluator when you need one to provide some urgent guidance? Well, maybe it’s time for you to take a breather; you don’t actually have to go through all the online schools on your own to figure out which are the best.

Thanks to the folks over at Degree Jungle, who have just published a ranking of sixty-four of the top online schools, you can get some expert opinions on the colleges you’ve been looking at. The ranking will help you form a better idea of what makes for an excellent online college program, and also assist you in determining which one might be the best fit for you.

Degree Jungle measured and compared online schools’ figures for acceptance and graduation rates, student-to-faculty ratios, and the average cost of attendance, among other factors. All the colleges that appear on the list offer 4-year Bachelor degree programs and are accredited by the U.S. Department of Education.

Improve Sat Scores and Climb Your Way To The Top!

Among students, it is no secret that tests such as the SAT are not nearly the intelligence indicator that high school teachers and colleges make them out to be. Regardless, they are still important for any student looking to pursue higher education. It is important to still take such standardized tests seriously, and do what you can to improve sat scores so that something as silly as a standardized test doesn’t keep you from reaching your full potential. Sat test help is available, and affordable.

No matter what subject you need help in, there is always aid available. Need to write a better essay? No problem. Math giving you trouble? Look into algebra tutoring. Take responsibility for your education and don’t just accept mediocrity in your work. When you do not understand a subject, it is your duty to get the help you need so that you do understand.

And the preparation doesn’t need to stop at the SATs. AP tests preparation is also available. Preparing for your AP tests will pay off when you get into the college you want, and you don’t have to take that tedious freshman English or calculus class. This way you can take something that is more relevant to your interests, or get a jump start on your major and maybe graduate early! There really is no price you can put on your education, and as soon as you take responsibility for what you are learning, the world really will open up to you.

Make Returning to College Easy

Once a person leaves college its really hard to go back.  A year off after high school may seem nice, or a semester off in your junior year to save up money may seem like a good idea, but beware.  It takes a lot of willpower to go back to school and finish.  But it is paramount that you do return to college.  It does not matter the circumstances.  Getting an education is the best thing that you can do for your future.

Sometimes life can be hard.  Maybe you got pregnant in high school and didn’t have the time or money to go to college with taking care of your child.  But now that your child is a little bit older you are thinking about starting up college.  There are single mothers scholarships that can aid you in finishing your education.

There is a lot of information available online for anyone looking to go back to school.  You can research different programs that schools have to offer.  There are a lot of options for college, including community college programs, online degrees, and four year university degrees.  If you’re not sure what you want to study, get some input from your friends, explore your passions, and then decide on the right school and program for you.  It doesn’t matter how you do it, but returning to college open up so many new and exciting doors in your life.  And there is help out there, there are scholarships, and grants, and aid, and information, all your for the taking!

It’s Not Strange to Return to School at 50

If you think you’re the only person going back to school at 50, think again. Many adults of all ages are finding their way back to those shaded walkways leading to classrooms, lecture halls, and learning. Although it might feel strange, at first, to be among so many young kids as they rush you by in mega-packs right before and after classes, it won’t take long before you make friends.

Most likely you’ll even find other non-eighteen-year-olds to keep company with. These are the people that will tell you about what luck they had in finding scholarships for the single mom they are and about the best place near campus to get your morning coffee.

At moments when class waiting lists weigh you down, reflect on the wisdom of the crowd: if so many people are signing up for the class, it must deliver some worthy advantage. Going back to school at 40, or 50, is not an experience as rare as you think.

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