What DIM Can Do For You

While it is common knowledge that the cure for cancer has been elusive for so long now, you might not be familiar with the developments that have occurred in this long-stagnant field, thanks to the discovery of Diindolylmethane.

This compound is not a synthetic preparation by any means but has been extracted from Brassica vegetables that consist of familiar names such as cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli and so on so forth. Yes, DIM has been extracted from the very vegetables that your Mom used to force you to eat when you were a child.

And while most of us would have hated to eat those vegetables, you’d understand as an adult that it is a good idea more than ever. After all, Mom knows best, right?

And while the results are very positive in finding a cure for a slew of bacterial and viral diseases among which AIDS and cancer are on the top of their list, there are other health-related applications that it is being used for such as an ingredient for a natural immune booster as well as a cancer prevention diet.

And the results in this area have been remarkable since it has been known to reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer by almost 40 to 60 percent and so you can imagine what these health solutions can do for patients as well as for people who are healthy but are looking for supplements such as this.